The Associated Student Body is the general organization of the student body that is responsible for social, spiritual and cultural activities on campus. ASB provides leadership opportunities for students. Activities include ASB chapels, vespers, banquets, Spirit Week, Handshake, and other social activities with the objective of building friendships.
PSAA strives to teach students life-readiness skills by encouraging, mentoring and giving our students leadership opportunities on campus. Involvement in leadership at PSAA helps cultivate skills in areas of:
Critical thinking
Listening and communication
Time management
Problem solving
Relationship building
Goal achievement
Public speaking
We want our students to be prepared for whatever life path they choose and learn how to better serve their community.
We are a Christian school and hold our student leaders to Christian standards and behavior as role models on campus. Our leaders need to maintain good academic standing and portray school loyalty. All candidates for officer positions on campus must get approval from faculty before running. The approval form can be found at the front office.
For more leadership criteria information, please refer to the Student Handbook.
ASB Officers 2023-2024
Top Row: Halle - Social Vice, Obed - Public Relations, Isaac - Vice President,
Bottom Row: Abigail - Secretary, Danil - Treasure, Vasil - President, Jacob - Pastor